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Reaching out for Research Interviews

I have contacted professionals in bioinformatics and similar research fields. Most of the professionals that I emailed were from UT Southwestern, but I am also searching for professionals outside UT Southwestern, because most of the time they are very busy. Although I didn’t get responses from some of the people I emailed yet, I did get a response from one professional. The assistant professor gave me another contact to ask for a research interview, because she said she no longer worked with UT Southwestern. Interestingly, I recently got another email today discussing the same thing. Another professional I contacted referred me to email another colleague who works in a field of study more closely related to mine. I am so grateful for the professionals who directed me towards another colleague so that I can have a more specific research interview. I also got one email today from a person I contacted, who would be willing to do an interview some time next week! I am so excited to be able to conduct this interview. Now, I finally have at least one interview secured! I am still discussing a time to set up this interview, but I will update next week when that will be. Another exciting thing coming up this week is the ISM Business Symposium, which is on Thursday. I was looking forward to this last year, and since it was virtual it was very different. However, this year it is going to be different than last year. I can’t wait! I’ll continue next week!

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