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Starting the Original Work Project

On Wednesday last week, I attended an AI meeting with three other ISM students. The person who presented was the owner of an AI based company that produces chatbots and other technology for various companies. I got to learn more about how the process of creating AI technology works. We also watched another guest speaker who is a business owner speak about his new book, which was really interesting. On Thursday, I attended the ISM Business Symposium. I got to hear from ISM Alumni from previous years, professionals with real-world experience, and I also got to meet and speak with current ISM students to build on professional networking skills. Overall, it was a great experience and I am grateful for all the things I learned there. Last year in the Business Symposium, we conducted mock interviews, but we didn’t get as much of a chance to expand and practice professional skills including networking because the format was virtual. However, this year, we were thankfully able to accommodate that and it helped a lot. I contacted a few more professionals and I got a response from one professor, who kindly directed me towards other professionals who were closer to the topic of bioinformatics. I hope that I can have at least one interview confirmed and scheduled for this week. I will update how everything goes next week!

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