We had a day off this Monday because it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so this upcoming week will only be four days long. This week will be busy, for both ISM, and some of my other classes since we will be having tests and quizzes. In ISM, I have an assessment and a product proposal due at the end of the week. I also have to get started on working on my final product. I’m still not sure exactly what I am going to do, but I am thinking of doing a project in which I will design a mock research experiment, and write a research paper along with it. Besides ISM, this week will also be presenting a small part of a presentation about a hospital in Karachi for cancer patients. I decided to sign up for this because I thought it would be correlating to my ISM research topic. The presentation will be very exciting, since it talks about a good hospital that was built to give more people access to healthcare. I am grateful to be able to participate in the presentation. That will be this Saturday, on January 23rd, so I will talk more about how the presentation went in next week’s blog post. This week on Thursday, I also have a research interview with a hematologist, so I hope that goes well. My goals for this week are to get everything done and have ample time to prepare for the other quizzes and tests that I will have this week.
A Day Off