During the week of February 15th there was bad weather, power outages and school cancellations. The whole week was cancelled due to bad weather, and people across Texas, and even other states lost power. Thankfully, now I have electricity and WiFi back. The hard part, starting from today, will be catching up on school work and getting back on track. I did not have my mentor visit last week, as you might have guessed, but I am hoping to be able to reschedule it for some time next week, if not this week. The weather was unprecedented, so we will just have to plan everything accordingly. Hopefully, we can return to normalcy soon. I was unable to do much work for ISM. In fact, I did the blog post for last week earlier, a day or two before it was due, so I could have a nice Monday off. However, I did not get my assessment done on time since I had to catch up on work for another class, in which assignments were due Friday night. I plan to get more research done for my Final Product this week so I can make up for what I missed last week. If all goes well, I shouldn’t have much problems finishing up work from last week. I will update next week again, and hopefully we will at least have school, unlike this week, which is most likely going to be fully asynchronous.
Catching up