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Back to Work!

Thanksgiving Break was really nice because I had time to relax but also to catch up on some work for my classes. I made more progress on the Original Work project, so that was good as well. The Original Work project is due in about two weeks, on November 11th, so it’s good that I was able to make progress with it over the break. This week is going to be very busy because of tests and quizzes in many of my classes. We have to get in more grades before the end of the marking period, so teachers want to make sure that grades can be put in soon. As for my ISM class, I need to conduct one more interview before I can choose a mentor. I really hope that I can get one more interview done so that I can begin the process of choosing a mentor. If I can get at least one more interview in, then I am sure I will have a better idea of who I may ask to be my mentor and that way, I can have a mentor before we leave for winter break, which is the goal. These next three weeks are going to be busy because of grades and College Board exam preparation for the SAT and ACT, so I will need to work hard and do my best during this time. After that, there is Winter Break. I’m so excited for Winter Break already!

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