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Exciting Things Coming Up!


There are a lot of important dates to look forward to this month in ISM. I need to get started on my Final Product proposal, because that will be due on January 22nd. Then, a few days later, my mentor will look at my Final Product proposal and provide feedback based on what I have written. On the topic of mentors, I am still in the process of finalizing the mentorship, and I have one more interview scheduled for January 21st. On January 26, I will be doing my Original Work project presentation. I have a lot of work to do this month, and my goal is to complete these activities in a timely manner. I still need to update parts of my digital portfolio because there are some assessments that have not been posted yet, so I need to go in and fix that as well. Today was a good productive day. I got some of my homework for other classes completed, and I started looking for articles to read through for my assessment for this week. I felt good today, and ironically in the advisory class I had, we talked about having a positive attitude. I realized how important it is to be as optimistic as possible. It really does change your mindset and your outlook on life overall. I know that this is not how I usually end my blog posts, but I really needed to leave this as a sort of little note to myself. Be kind to yourself, and remember to take things one day at a time! Until we meet again next Monday, have a nice week!


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