This past week in ISM, I worked on getting some feedback on my Final Product Proposal, so that I could begin working on my Final Product. I’m not sure if I mentioned it last week, but I am planning on designing an experiment to test out a bit of the prevention side of oncology and hematology. To go along with this, I read and annotated an article that was about SCD, or sickle cell disease. Although Sickle Cell Disease is genetic, meaning that it cannot exactly be prevented, there is treatment to mitigate the effect of the disease. The article that I read looked at the ways that sickle cell disease affected the people who had it. In the article, there was a survey done to find out how exactly it affected people. For example, patients, their parents, and the caretakers of the patients all had to take surveys based on how they thought it affected the patient’s quality of life. Then, the data between the different people who took surveys would be compared with each other. I thought that this was a rather interesting approach to the method of surveying, and it could collect a lot of data from different perspectives this way as well. I thought this is something that I might consider implementing in my experiment design. This week, I plan to finalize my product proposal and talk with my mentors to start working on the final product.
Final Product work begins