I have been trying to set up a date for a mentor visit, and one of my mentors and I will probably have a mentor visit at some point this week! I’m not sure if it will be on Wednesday or Tuesday and the time is not confirmed yet, but I am excited to finally get to go on a mentor visit, and I cannot wait to learn new things. The past few weeks have been quite busy, especially in some of my other classes, with tests, quizzes, and projects. ISM has not been very difficult. The Final Product research is going well, and I am quite sure that I want to stick with the idea of cancer prevention or hematologic cancer prevention. I’ll have to ask my mentors what they think about my Final Product Proposal, and I am sure that I will have to change some things along the way. I will most likely be able to speak with my mentors when I go on a mentor visit soon. Ms. Barnett, who works with Dr. Zia, has told me that she will be checking in with Dr. Zia to see her availability for an in person mentor visit, since her schedule is filled up for this month. Other things that happened this week include the cold temperatures, and Valentine’s Day. The weather has been so cold recently because of some Arctic air that has been blowing in from the North. I actually enjoy the cold weather, although it gets chilly at times. I’ll be back next week to update on my tentative mentor visit.
First Mentor Visit