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Interviewing People


So far, I have completed only a bit of research for my topic of study this year: oncology. Although I finished my original work proposal this past week, read a couple of articles regarding treatments for types of cancer and read generalized articles about the field of oncology, there is still so much to be done. This week in ISM, we are going to be conducting mock interviews with career professionals. I think that it will be a great learning experience for me, as I will be able to talk with someone who has had experience in their career field. It will also be good practice for the impending research interviews that I will be participating in later this month. As an update of my goals from last week, I was able to read a bit more about topics of interest within oncology. However, I still need to reach out to some more professionals in the field of oncology. This week, I will try to connect with more people. I can also try to read more about treatments for blood cancer and begin some basic research, which I will need for my original work. I probably won’t fully understand what I’m doing at this point, but I think that it would be a good idea to begin researching. I think that this week will be fun and exciting. 


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