This past week in ISM, I wasn’t able to secure any interviews, but I was able to get forward with some research for my ISM original work. I used the information I found in my research assessments for the week as well. I read and annotated two articles about two different types of treatments for cancer: angiogenesis inhibitors and precision medicine. I learned about what each treatment is, and how it works, as well as what types of cancers it might treat. When reading the article about precision medicine, I learned that precision medicine can be personalized. The article presented ways that precision medicine helps personalize medical treatments for cancer patients. This is helpful because by using technology we currently have to analyze DNA and cancer cells, doctors can figure out which treatments would be most effective for a patient. The article that talked about angiogenesis inhibitors spoke about how this treatment specifically targets blood vessels and stops their production. Blood vessels being produced at a rapid rate contributes to cancerous growth, and this treatment would help with some cancers, specifically those that are affected by blood vessel production. Using what I learned, I was thinking about researching more about a treatment that might be able to use a patient’s own DNA to fight against the cancer cells. This week, I will try to have another research interview confirmed if possible, and I will continue some more research. Since I researched about some treatments, this week I will focus more on patient factors that contribute to the treatment type.
Original Work Research