One of the most interesting topics in studying oncology for me has been brain tumors. I hadn’t known much about them before, so I decided to read an article about glioblastomas this past week, and that is also what my research essay for this week was about. I find it so interesting that brain tumors, especially glioblastomas, develop so quickly and become deadly so fast. I wish that brain tumors wouldn’t be so hard to treat. It’s a good thing that people who work in neurology and oncology are trying to solve that problem. One of the most shocking things that I learned about glioblastoma tumors is that on average, the survival rate is just over a year. Despite people getting treatment including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the survival rate is still quite low due to the aggressiveness of brain tumors. It would be nice if we could figure out a way to prevent cancers in the future, or at least treat them better so that people could live longer. On another note, I also made more progress on my original work research. I started evaluating treatments for different kinds of patients, so now the next step is finding sample data to use. I may design a mock scientific research experiment as part of my original work. With Thanksgiving break coming up, I will have more time to spend on working on my original work research. I am excited for Thanksgiving break, as I’m sure most of my peers are. I hope I can be productive while I simultaneously enjoy the break.
Thankful for Thanksgiving Break