So far, I have had three interviews in ISM. I had my third one last week on Friday with an alum from the ISM program, who also studied pediatric oncology. I spoke with her and got to learn about her ISM experience. She told me about her original work project, the various things she learned while shadowing her mentor, and how she created a unique experience that she would cherish. I really enjoyed speaking with her because of all the people that I have interviewed this year, when interviewing her I felt as though I could relate to what she was telling me because she has been through the ISM program. Additionally, the fact that we had almost the same topic was great because when she was telling me what she did when she was in this class, it gave me a good idea of what I would also be doing throughout the year. I also learned about some research tools that she used, which was very helpful. I will still need at least one more interview before I can choose a mentor. I have tried contacting multiple other people, but I think they are really busy, since I haven’t gotten a response back. I will have to find more people to reach out to so I have a better chance of securing another interview. We also have a research speech this Wednesday, which I am very excited about. I hope that it goes well. By the end of this week, I would like to have an interview confirmed, although I’m not sure if that is possible.
Time to present a research speech!